Welcome 2022!

And another year has gone by! Time flies, doesn’t it? And not on any ordinary aircraft, but on the fastest of the rocket ships, it would seem! Seems like just yesterday that I was writing the post welcoming 2021 last year, at about the same time.. 😄

For a lot of people, this was a tough year, to say the least. Covid extracted a heavy toll, and all we can do now is to pray for the affected families, take the necessary precautions that we can to ensure we don’t encounter another such situation, and hope for a better year ahead.

With many of us spending a big part of our time at home these last couple of years, we have a newfound appreciation for many little things that we probably didn’t notice earlier – whether it is the part our partners play in running the house, the care our old parents need, those cute actions of our little ones, or even the time we needed for ourselves. And along these lines, I wanted to share a very sweet and poignant comic with you guys.

This is an adaptation by Zen Pencils, by the artist Gavin Aung Than, of a quote by Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, reminding us of what really matters in our lives.


I’m sure regular readers of Calvin And Hobbes will realise what the artist has done here.. 😉 But even if you aren’t one, I think you’ll still appreciate both the quote and the artwork. 

As we approach this new dawn, I just wanted to share this positive thought with you all. I hope this new year brings with it the clarity and courage we need to follow our dreams!

Here’s wishing you all a very Happy New Year! To new beginnings.. 🥂

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Photo by zero take on Unsplash

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